The “Heliport controllerbasic” contain all necessary material to regulate and control AerolightingiControl/DA system. Power supply, iControl/DALImaster controller, 4 position control switch and multiple input/output aredirectly installed and wired into an electrical box.
This system is “plug&play”just connect the input power (110~230V) and connect the output to the lightingcircuit (4 wire cable). Once connected, it will immediately work, notadditional setting or configuration are required. In case of power supply orregulator failure, a dry contact relay will switch to alarm mode. Brightness regulation can beeasily operated using a 4 push button (or input contact)
This system allow to obtainall necessary feature on the Helipad using a simple and small sized integratedsystem. Additionaly, 230V our dry contact relay can be integrated to control other systems.